Monaco | PREV. PHOTO |
Started in 1929, this is the 61st Grand Prix race in Monaco.
Thanks to my friend, I was able to see this famous race "live".
A poster of this year's Grand Prix.
モンテカルロ駅:仏側入口と伊側入口 Monte Carlo Sta: Entrance to France & Italy |
道路標識:GPはこちら、F3000はあちら・・ Road sign: to Grand Prix/F3000/Renaut |
駅前の教会。タイヤでガードされてる A church protected by numerous old tires |
コースの一部。カジノに至る上り坂部分。 A part of the course leading to the casino |
マリーナ周辺 Marina / Swimming Pool area |
電光掲示板とクレーン Big screen and cranes |
おそろいの車でF1コースを走ってみる F1 fans driving their cars along the circuit |
会社でボートを借りてF1見物 Lent a boat to watch the race |
Monaco | PREV. PHOTO |